What should I read next???

Here we do a quick review of any books we've read recently from the ever increasing - "ooooh this looks interesting" list.
As we assess, photograph and upload every single book on this site it's pretty hard to ignore some of the incredibly interesting titles we see. 
These are quick 150 word reviews and our personal opinions (not paid or endorsed reviews) so if you have a book that you think 'looks interesting' send us a message and we may just give it a quick read and review. 

Pomegranate Soup
by Marsha Mehran

There was a lot to love about this book; the delicious recipes that started each new chapter, the relationship between 3 beautiful sisters, tested repeatedly and the warm story of love, self-belief and most of all hope that was prominent throughout.
Woven with glimpses of what life became for those living in Iran both before and after the revolution, yet set-in small-town Ireland, with characters, described so vividly that even those for whom no redemption was due you still retained hope.

Not a book that I would typically pick up, but the cover and title called to me. This is what makes the reviewing part of the job so fun and I am grateful to have this in my mental library of stories to recall when life gets a little dreary and hope doesn’t always seem at hand.


Dangerous Tides
by Christine Feehan 

If you’re a lover of paranormal romance, as I am, this satisfies all the criteria. Young adoration recaptured and explored, turns to love. A family of sisters gifted with powers well known and protected throughout the village.  Suspenseful, who done it throughout. Throw in a medical doctor with the biggest heart and a scientist motivated only to find the truth, I do love Christine Feehan!

A great light-hearted read, with just enough twists to keep you guessing and just enough magic to make it paranormal. I read it in a day.